Eva Colombo, Eyes that see in the dark, third chapter: Sunset rose (
inspired by Leonor Fini’s lithography print The passenger )
The sunset light has just fallen behind the horizon and you are going back home.
An autumn rose that bears the colour of the sunset light looks like the last
sparkle of sunset clung to the edge of the abyss. You stop beside her: you want
to save her, you want to prevent her from falling behind the horizon. But the
cold of a September night springs out from under the ground and rubs itself
against your legs like a cat which purrs even if you don’t stroke it. You bend
over it and you notice that it is like a serpent with ruby eyes. Its look is as
a wine that warms you even if you drink a drop only, it is as the autumn leaves
that sparkle even if the sun is gone, it is as the subterranean fire that
transforms everything even if no one feeds it. The cold of a September night is
like a serpent which sinuous creeps towards the sunset – coloured rose and its
ruby eyes are so lovely that she isn’t afraid of it, and its ruby eyes are so
lovely that she lets herself to be gently carried by it into the abyss behind
the horizon where sunset light becomes dawn light and autumn roses die dreaming
of spring. |