Mi interessa ricevere commenti, suggerimenti e proposte. I messaggi volgari e/o offensivi verranno immediatamente cestinati.
I’m interested in receiving comments, suggestions and proposals. Vulgar or offensive messages will be immediately thrown away.

I testi che pubblico sul mio sito sono fruibili gratuitamente, purtroppo però anch’io devo fare la spesa e pagare le bollette.
Ogni seria ed onesta proposta di collaborazione professionale connessa alle mie competenze è benvenuta.
Texts published on my website are available gratis and yet unfortunately I have to pay the bills.
Every serious and honest proposal of professional partnership relative to my competences is welcome.

February 6, 2022. I’ ve never given in to blackmails: I can renounce many things but not my dignity. I’ve paid a high price because
of this attitude but until now I’ve held on… Now in Italy the air is getting too thin for a free- spirited person and I don’t know
how long I would be able to hold on. Never mind: they may take everything away from me but my dignity,
the dignity of a free – spirited person ( To the happy slaves: laugh at me as you wish, I couldn’t care less ).




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al DL 196/03 "Codice in Materia di Protezione dei Dati Personali".
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al trattamento dei miei dati personali in conformità a quanto ivi descritto